Hey guys.
Why do I always end up like this? Sitting all by my lonesome gorging myself on Vietnamese honey pork is beginning to become a little bit old. Except for today, where I've mixed up the routine a little bit. I'm wearing a Starfleet uniform. Yes, you read that correctly: "Starfleet uniform". I'm wearing a TOS science officer's shirt and for the time being I'm wearing normal makeup. Later on today I'm putting on my Kriosian makeup and I'm going to the nerdiest Halloween party ever.
Don't believe me? We have the guy from Assassin's Creed. We have the guy from V for Vendetta. We have a guy dressing up as his Dungeons and Dragons character. And we have me. We have a small zombie horde, too. Nerdiest party ever. It's going to be awesome.
So I'm just chilling on campus waiting for my friend to be done so that we can go to her house and do our makeup together. I'm actually getting really excited!
So: you all know that I went to a Kyudo course this weekend. Not only did I learn the basics of the art I found out that one of the guys in my class works at Bioware's headquarters which is apparently located in Edmonton. He's a narrative editor, so he takes the scripts and edits them and then does all of the technical writing such as how magic works in world X. He gave me his card and told me that they take girls wherever they can get them. I may have just found the key to my future career. If you're wondering what it is that Bioware has done you may have heard of Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed or Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I'm just saying, it's an awesome company and I would be honoured to work there.
I also finished A Study in Scarlet this weekend, which was excellent. I've started on The Sign of Four and the first chapter has been lovely.
I'm almost done my lunch here so I think I'm going to wait until my battery's dead and then I'm going to go wait for my friend. If I can get pictures tonight I might post them.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Doctor McCoy Eating Vietnamese Food
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 28, 2011
Post-Midterm Mini-Vacation!
Hey guys!
I've finally finished my midterms and I am proud to announce that I am embarking on a grand adventure tomorrow to reward myself. You'll probably remember that I am an archer and one of the things I have yet to try in the sport is the Japanese martial art of archery: Kyudo. And that is what I get to do this weekend!
I'm getting up at 4:30 tomorrow to get the ball rolling. After a 3 hour car trip with my awesome coach's awesome dad we'll get to the range where the lesson starts at 9. It'll go for two days which will be quite fun. We're not special enough here in Calgary to get a Kyudo session so we all have to make the pilgrimage to Edmonton once a year if we want to learn.
I've wanted to try this out for so long, so I'm really excited to be getting the opportunity now.
I haven't had a very interesting week, I've been plowing through my midterms as I've said, so it's basically been a week of studying. I did get a moment to watch the documentary My Perestroika which was quite fascinating. I recommend you look it up.
Anyway, I'm going to be heading to bed here soon, so I hope you all have a good weekend and I'll talk to you later!
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 24, 2011
Where has this month gone?
Hey guys,
I am in complete and utter shock as to the date. Where has the month gone? I'm so confused!
I never did get done the amount of Halloween planning that I wanted to do but I did manage to come out with a killer costume for the archery Pumpkin Shoot yesterday. I managed to get my hands on a Ben Nye white face cake so I did a lovely modern geisha look which would have worked out a lot better if my eyeshadow had decided to stick to the face cake. So I opted for dramatic eyeliner instead and left it at that. The outfit was just yoga pants and a sweet shirt and this belt that's modeled after a geisha's obi. The hair was done in a bun with a red ribbon tied around it and a BBQ skewer decorated with strings of beads to make a hair ornament. Someone was there taking pictures, so if I can get my hands on it I might post it here. Also, I have little to no idea what I'm doing for actual Halloween. I might be a Star Trek character.
I have little to report today, I'm basically just studying and taking notes right now because I have two midterms this week and I'd like to do well on them.
Anyway, I need to be going, I'm finally heading home!
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 21, 2011
I feel extremely honoured
Hey guys,
I can't believe there are actually people reading this thing. Even after I ditched it for 9 days I got at least 1 view per day. That means so much to me! Thank you to anyone who reads, I appreciate it immensely.
So. Today. I was wholeheartedly planning to skip my Bio class this morning so I could sleep for an extra hour but instead I got my ass out of bed and came for it, and I'm so glad that I did. Why? Because my professor decided to imitate the waggle dance of the bees today. Made my morning so much better and I'm really sorry that my friend didn't show up to class today to see it. She will be sad.
I failed my Russian quiz. I answered 50% of the questions and when I checked my answers (it was simply a vocab translation quiz) I got at least one wrong. So a big, fat F on that one. But, I had a riot reading this one text in the textbook, we were supposed to read it out loud to a partner to practice pronunciation, and the teacher seemed to like our enthusiasm. Brownie points perhaps?
In German we went over the verbs werden and wissen and we learned the difference between wissen and kennen, which both technically mean "to know" but they function much like connaƮtre and savoir do in French. So basically savoir and kennen mean "to be familiar with x" and connaƮtre and wissen mean "to know x for a fact". I didn't grasp that in French, whenever it came up I just guessed basically, and now I doubt I'll understand it in German. I've related it to the difference between to know and to be familiar in English, so that might help somewhat.
I've met my best friend from Kindergarten. She has a science in my room right after I do so we see each other at the door. It feels like poetic justice to me that we found each other after so many years. She left school after grade 6 to be homeschooled so I haven't seen her in eons. She hasn't changed a bit either. I'm hoping that we can get together soon and chat, we've only had a minute and a half to get caught up so far. We both have an affinity for Russian history, particularly the fall of the Romanovs, so we need to get together. I really do miss her company, we were such good friends for so long. We kind of grew apart near the end, but I have this terribly melodramatic idea that time brought us back together for a reason now, so maybe we can be good friends again. I hope so, at least.
I've been invited to a party hosted by the Pakistani Students' Society tonight. I know what you're thinking and I'm thinking it too. I will be the only white kid there. Which is fine, I guess. It's a henna night so I'm actually really excited to go. If you've seen anything on my deviantArt page you'll know that I'm a henna artist, so this is going to be an excellent experience. And I get to hang out with one of my IB friends all night, which will be awesome.
That is all the thoughts I have for today, I need to run to Craigie just now to pick up some cash and a notebook. And maybe a slurpee. I will talk to you again soon!
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 20, 2011
It's been 9 whole days. Woops.
Hey guys,
Sorry about ditching you for the last 9 days. I haven't been particularly busy, I've just kind of forgotten to post anything. I've had a rather interesting 9 days as well, school wise and muse wise so I guess I'll just jump into it and go.
English class. Had my first essay due on the world's most retarded topic ever. It was about nomology and why Shakespeare invented the words he did in The Winter's Tale. So I basically put down the argument that he created the verb "land-damn" (to make hell on earth for someone) for use in one specific scene but that the meaning of his new word carried throughout the play and ultimately drives the plot through a complete story arc. It was not my most shining piece of work, but it was really the best I could do with the topic. I'm not one of these English majors who's into the technical side of writing, I'm more into the elements of story-weaving that contribute to a believable escapist experience for the reader. I want to know how good books are good, basically, because I think that as I writer this information will be immensely beneficial to me in my chosen career path.
My mom has been trying to steer me away from writing as my career. I can understand where she's coming from being a mother who want's to see her child thrive and make a good life for herself, but she's simply assuming that the writing business will never be lucrative for me. Which I highly disagree with. I think that when it comes to writing there are certain steps that make for success in the field such that it can function as a lucrative career. Kind of like Vorkuta.
Step 1) Passion
Step 2) Humility
Step 3) Perseverance
Step 4) Gusto
Step 5) Versatility
Step 6) Success
Or something to the effect anyway. Totally Vorkuta.
Anyway, I finally got to go to a creative writing club meeting because we finally got a meeting organized. I opted for not sending in any of my work to be critiqued quite yet because I didn't know how the critiquing forum was going to work so I decided to just sit in quietly on this meeting and see how it went. There were only 7 people there but it was a super-friendly environment so I don't feel quite as nervous about sending something in. I'm planning on submitting The Wooden Spoon from a while ago and see what they think. Or I might compose something new. I don't know yet.
Shameless plug: you can find The Wooden Spoon on my deviantArt page. Link is on the right.
I have also become hopelessly addicted to Sherlock this week. If you haven't seen this show it's a wonderful 3 episode (so far) series on the BBC about Sherlock Holmes sent present day, which is kind of wonderful. If you don't live in England nor do you get the BBC (like me) Sherlock is on Netflix!
I love Netflix by the way, it's a wonderful hub for everything wonderful and it's only like 8 bucks a month or something. Which I'm okay with. My family shares an account and it has made life wonderful. Except: they removed MythBusters which I was really sad about. But they added 1001 Ways to Die and Deadliest Warrior. So... they're halfway forgiven.
I should probably stop with the stream of consciousness now, because that seems to be all that this post has turned into. I hope you guys are all doing well, I apologize for having ditched you for so long and I will post again soon!
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hey guys,
Just hanging out between classes here and I'm terribly bored so I'm just gonna bother you guys!
Finally found something to eat that was relatively cheap: Vietnamese salad rolls and some apple juice. $6.50!! It's nice to save $4 for once.
Got the results of my German test back, I got 93% so I'm quite happy. I'm doing well overall in the class so I think I'm going to watch Before The Fall later to test myself, see how much I can get without subtitles. Not that that's a fair challenge, I know that movie off by heart anyway!
I get to go to English next. We're reading The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare and it's good, but I'm struggling with my teacher and the boring nature of the class. Also, I suck at demystifying poetry so I'm not really enjoying the class, I'm just waiting until we start our pile of prose books.
I also need to read through like half of my Poli Sci textbook for the Midterm in two weeks. I haven't even started! I am the worst student ever!
Anyway, I best be going. I want to find a decent seat today.
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Hey guys!
I'm really pleased: I've finally broken 200 views on the blog! I know that doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things but it's exciting for me! Big thank you to everyone who reads the blog! I'll be trying to post some more writing stuff soon, I love sharing my methods with people in the hopes that they will help others out there.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago I joined a literary club at my University. I've been to the first book club meeting this week at which we decided that we'll be reading "Ender's Game" for October. I am totally okay with this as I've never heard of it and I love being given something totally new. At the book club I also signed up to attend the creative writing circle that's starting up this week. I'm very excited to go to that and get in touch with some other writers. There were so many at the book club that I felt really at home. I hope that I'm talented enough to keep up with them.
I had my first midterm yesterday which was interesting. It was 25 questions in Biology on evolution and gene pools and stuff. Despite how I worded that I do know what I'm doing in that regard, I promise. Anyway, I finished it in 21 minutes and actually got to have a nice chat and chocolate milk break with a new friend that I've made.
I'm having a lot of fun at University. Since I'm not in the sciences or in Engineering the homework load is not too bad at all, it's quite manageable, especially after IB.
Now that it's October 1st there's only 30 days left until Halloween. If you're a reader coming from deviantArt then you'll probably know already that I am rather obsessive about Halloween, as it is my favourite annual event. I usually come up with multiple guises to work on for the month and some of my best artistic work happens around October. I have a love for costume makeup so I always go all out for Halloween bringing out all the stops for a killer holiday. This year I have two events that I'm going to: one is the Pumpkin shoot at the Archery range where there is a costume contest which I am hell-bent on winning for the second year in a row (I was a tribal belly dancer last year) and also Halloween evening itself. I haven't had the time to put much thought into what I actually want to be but I have some ideas brewing and I'll probably be coming out with some photos on dA very soon. I want to do some undead work again this year with my scar wax and liquid latex.
I'm going to warn you that when I get into Halloween mode I am an avid blogger, informing you all of my costuming and makeup exploits over the course of the month. I hope you don't get too bored of me!
I hope all is well and you can count on hearing from me again soon!
Posted by Alexandra Mueller at 2:08 PM 0 comments