Friday, October 28, 2011

Post-Midterm Mini-Vacation!

Hey guys!

I've finally finished my midterms and I am proud to announce that I am embarking on a grand adventure tomorrow to reward myself. You'll probably remember that I am an archer and one of the things I have yet to try in the sport is the Japanese martial art of archery: Kyudo. And that is what I get to do this weekend!

I'm getting up at 4:30 tomorrow to get the ball rolling. After a 3 hour car trip with my awesome coach's awesome dad we'll get to the range where the lesson starts at 9. It'll go for two days which will be quite fun. We're not special enough here in Calgary to get a Kyudo session so we all have to make the pilgrimage to Edmonton once a year if we want to learn.

I've wanted to try this out for so long, so I'm really excited to be getting the opportunity now.

I haven't had a very interesting week, I've been plowing through my midterms as I've said, so it's basically been a week of studying. I did get a moment to watch the documentary My Perestroika which was quite fascinating. I recommend you look it up.

Anyway, I'm going to be heading to bed here soon, so I hope you all have a good weekend and I'll talk to you later!
