Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hey guys!

I'm really pleased: I've finally broken 200 views on the blog! I know that doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things but it's exciting for me! Big thank you to everyone who reads the blog! I'll be trying to post some more writing stuff soon, I love sharing my methods with people in the hopes that they will help others out there.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I joined a literary club at my University. I've been to the first book club meeting this week at which we decided that we'll be reading "Ender's Game" for October. I am totally okay with this as I've never heard of it and I love being given something totally new. At the book club I also signed up to attend the creative writing circle that's starting up this week. I'm very excited to go to that and get in touch with some other writers. There were so many at the book club that I felt really at home. I hope that I'm talented enough to keep up with them.

I had my first midterm yesterday which was interesting. It was 25 questions in Biology on evolution and gene pools and stuff. Despite how I worded that I do know what I'm doing in that regard, I promise. Anyway, I finished it in 21 minutes and actually got to have a nice chat and chocolate milk break with a new friend that I've made.

I'm having a lot of fun at University. Since I'm not in the sciences or in Engineering the homework load is not too bad at all, it's quite manageable, especially after IB.

Now that it's October 1st there's only 30 days left until Halloween. If you're a reader coming from deviantArt then you'll probably know already that I am rather obsessive about Halloween, as it is my favourite annual event. I usually come up with multiple guises to work on for the month and some of my best artistic work happens around October. I have a love for costume makeup so I always go all out for Halloween bringing out all the stops for a killer holiday. This year I have two events that I'm going to: one is the Pumpkin shoot at the Archery range where there is a costume contest which I am hell-bent on winning for the second year in a row (I was a tribal belly dancer last year) and also Halloween evening itself. I haven't had the time to put much thought into what I actually want to be but I have some ideas brewing and I'll probably be coming out with some photos on dA very soon. I want to do some undead work again this year with my scar wax and liquid latex.

I'm going to warn you that when I get into Halloween mode I am an avid blogger, informing you all of my costuming and makeup exploits over the course of the month. I hope you don't get too bored of me!

I hope all is well and you can count on hearing from me again soon!
