Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas, Horror Movies and a New Book

Hey guys,

Here's that Christmas post I promised you! I'll start off with my haul and then go into everything else. I for a lot of zombie stuff this year. I got the Walking Dead season 1 on DVD as well as The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. I got a pair of hair combs from my best friend as well as a beautiful necklace from my boss. My brother got me a bracelet, and finally I got the iPod touch.

We got to see our cousins from Toronto as they came out to visit and go skiing this Christmas. I haven't seen them in years, they're so tall! Had Christmas dinner at my aunts house with the family, and that was my Christmas! Then I got to work boxing day, which wasn't fun.

Today I watched horror movies, all of which starred Jared Padalecki (complete coincidence, I assure you). I watched Cry_Wolf, which I enjoyed because the British kid reminded me of the Brits from my archery class. I also watched House of Wax, which I've been meaning to see for the last 6 years. It was excellent. Also did Supernatural 2x07 which was interesting.

Finally I wanted to mention a new book I got. This one's called Henna Magic: Crafting Charms and Rituals with Sacred Body Art. It's all about the mystical side of henna culture, which I feel I should explore simply because I'm in the field. And also because Supernatural has gotten me on a bit of an adventurous streak when it comes to the occult. I'll keep you posted.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas!
