As you can see I've updated the layout! I'm very excited because this one is a little bit more cheerful than the last. I never really liked that one anyway, the picture always seemed too out of focus for me...
In honour of the new layout I decided that I wanted to treat you guys to some thoughts on writing. I haven't done this in some time so I decided that now would be good.
Anyway I want to talk Fan Fiction today. More specifically I want to talk about a certain portion of the Fan Fiction world that I have recently found to be extraordinarily handy for my writing and developing of Klashiva.
I want to share with you the "Fan Fiction 100". The list can be found on LiveJournal. I found this back in my days of Fan Fiction writing (yes, I wrote Fan Fiction, sue me) but I never used it for its intended purpose. Instead I tracked down this version by ~god-head on deviantArt. I've been working my way through this list since the end of October and I've finished 26 of them so far.
I was skeptical about how this would work out and whether or not I'd actually be able to use what I came up with for these. I've been quite surprised, actually. Since I'm planning on making Klashiva a serial I've found that this has been an indispensable brainstorming device for coming up with plots for installments. I've already gotten my pilot into the planning stages as well as two other installments.
I know that people often look down on Fan Fiction as "not real writing". I myself am guilty of this but I was tough on it because I was doing it and I love beating myself up. What people, including me, don't realize is that even these more fringe writing forms have their merits. This community offers the FF100, for instance.
** Tangent: Also, I find that the FF community generally has more supportive and kind reviewers that actually offer assistance instead of what reviewers do on original writing websites; they simply rip apart your work and tell you what's wrong with it instead of offering input on how to help fix it or by subsequenting a review with positive feedback.
I recommend searching the internet for various versions of the FF100, because there are some interesting lists out there. Here are a few of my favourites:
- 100 Songs Theme Challenge - ~Akikorossella
- Fashion 100 Theme Challenge - ~Akikorossella
- 100 Theme Challenge - *deathishea
- STEP UP - ~KuroTsuki003
- 100 Flavors Challenge - ~hiyakiya
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