Thursday, September 1, 2011

University News

Hey guys!

I finally enrolled in the University's orientation week. I hope I don't have to go to everything, most of it shall suck muchly. There's some kind of play on sexuality... I don't really think I need to see that at this point in my life. I am comfortably heterosexual and I don't plan on sleeping with infected people at any point in the future, so I think I can skip it.

I do get to go to an hour long elective on campus media and another on internationalizing my degree which might mean that there's a way I can travel cheaply in the near future, which I would love more than anything else in the world right now.

I got my books all in order, it looks like I'm set to go. I just need to fine a thin sleeve for my laptop or something so that my notebook rings don't scratch her. I'd like the pretty lid to stay pretty. And I don't want to haul my netbook around because it overheats too easily, the keyboard officially sucks in comparison to this one, the battery sucks and the cord is heavier than it should be. And the battery is one of the ones that stick out from the bottom of the device, so it's a little oddly shaped to be putting in my backpack.

I'm split on my feelings about going back to school. On one hand, it'll be nice to get out and do something with my time instead of sitting here pretending to write but on the other hand I like the sleep schedule I've got going now and it's just not going to be possible to keep that going when I'm in school.

As well, I'm fearing the infamous "Freshman 15". I'm already not in good shape and I really don't need another 15 pounds tacked on. I need to figure out how to stay in shape during school, because God knows I didn't put the slightest effort in last year. Granted, I was also incapped due to my stupid knee, but regardless, I still did nothing.

So, yeah, mixed feelings about school and all that. The Sephora thing didn't end up working out because they need people with flexible schedules and as I student I don't have one of those. So I'll likely be working at Olsen Europe for the winter because they need a Christmas employee and the manager loves me to death, so I have an in.

I hope everyone's September has started off well!