Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hey guys,

I was picked up by my archery coach this weekend to work for her father who was cooking all the food for the NALS (North American Longbow Safari) so that I could be his lacky. I took my brother and my best friend with me so we had a hell of a weekend cooking for nearly 200 hungry longbow archers. For the breakfasts we did pancakes so what have I been craving lately? Pancakes. I have made more pancakes in the last four days than I have ever made in my life. And frankly, I'm okay with this. However, I have decided that I need to invest in a flat-top griddle now, because the frying pan just isn't cutting it for my mass pancake production needs.

I got my down payment in for University yesterday, which means I have reserved my spot now and I'm good to go! I just need to pay my full tuition and go book shopping. I'm quite excited for this!

It's going to be an interesting week, it's my friend's 18th birthday and he's planning all kinds of shenanigans. We'll be going to the lake this Saturday, which has become a yearly tradition for his birthday, and we'll be hitting up the bar at some point. So far, I've been the only one over 18 so I haven't been to a bar yet. It would be tragic if I went to drink alone. Also, he's planning on going to the firing range, but I don't get to go because my cousin's coming to town. I'll have to go learn to shoot soon though, I think that would be excellent!

I don't have much in the way of writing to report just yet, I'm trying to wrap my head around the latest development in the Klashiva story which I touched on in my last post. I'm really trying hard to get this organized, I want to get this written soon.

That's all the news I have for you right now, I hope you're all doing well and I'll talk to you soon!