As you can tell I haven't posted for a few days. It's been relatively busy, and I'd like to share some good news.
I'm registered for my courses for first year! I'm very excited about this mostly because of the wonderful variety of classes I'm taking. Well, not so much variety as number of things I'm interested in.
Fall Term:
- Biology 205 (mandatory for my degree)
- Russian 201
- German 200
- French 315 (I got in because of my IB credits)
- English 203
- English 205
- English 233 (Non-Fiction Lit course. Could be interesting, it's not a genre I delve into often... I'm hoping it's along the lines of The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston? Only if I'm lucky. Or that other guy who wrote Running With Scizzors...)
- English 265 (CREATIVE WRITING INTRO COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Law and Society (201?)
- Greek and Roman Studies 209 (The mythology and literature course)
In other news OTAfest is on this weekend. Basically it's a giant anime and video game convention at the U of C. This year I am dressing up as the one and only Faith Connors from Mirror's Edge, my all time favourite video game even though I haven't finished it yet. I finally found pants for the costume today and now all I need to figure out is how I'm going to do the arm tattoo. I really want to do this well because I love this video game and I love this character. And I love the cosplay even though I'm a rather hip-y white chick playing a fit Asian. Yeah, it's gonna work so well. Whatever, we're not about being perfect, it's about having fun.
So, with that I'm going to go back to finding some kind of wonderful waterproof black makeup with which to do the tattoo.
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