Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hard Day


So, following the events of yesterday, today was very difficult. I nearly hit a few people, but I managed to avoid that. One of my best friends took me out for ice cream after school. That made things a little bit better.

Other than that I went to archery today, for the first time in two weeks. I still suck. I can't figure out what the hell is going on. I've dropped by an average of 50 points since December and I don't know why. I am seriously frustrated and nothing I do seems to help at all.

I also practiced my choreography just now. It went just as terribly as usual the first go around and then I put a tensor bandage on and it was little bit easier. But not by much. I finally went to my mom and asked if we can get me into some physio therapy. I've been avoiding it because of bad memories from the past, but I really don't see any other option now. Not being able to dance is seriously effecting my moods and I really need to fix that. I'm not nearly as depressed as I was last year, but I'm certainly not operating at 100%.

I'm also thinking about working on a non-fiction/short story/memoir about this past of mine I keep bringing up... It wouldn't take me that long, I don't plan on making it more than 1000 words. When I get it done I'll either post a copy on here or link the piece. I won't say anymore, just to build suspense ;)

With that I will leave you for tonight. After a day like today, I seriously need to play some Black Ops, it always makes me feel better.
