Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Almost Easter


Tomorrow is our last day of school before the Easter long weekend! Our actual spring break was already two or three weeks ago; I spent the whole break in Europe with our languages class :) So this will be my first big "holiday" since Christmas, from a sleep point of view.

Of course, calling tomorrow a day at school is a joke since the classes are 1/2 an hour long. My first period teacher said she wants us to sleep in, she's not taking attendance. So I plan on getting an extra hour of sleep this evening. Then there's a mass type thing second period, which I'll probably skip because I really just don't want to go. Then I get to go to a party at my friend's house and we'll watch Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (a DVD present from my best friend for my birthday :D) and we'll play Magic: The Gathering because we're cool like that. Also: video games. And alcohol, to punctuate a long haul for the last month.

I managed to get some good thinking and a little writing in today on my new piece, so that's going well. I'm not really planning this one, I'm just going to do it and see where it takes me, a free-form story. I haven't done a free form story since... probably 2 years ago. With IB and everything these last two years my creativity has been terribly stifled, but I think I may have broken through that, finally.

With that I will bid you adieu for this evening, and I will post more soon! Have a great weekend!