Friday, February 17, 2012

You know what really grinds my gears?

Hey guys,

You know those people, we all know one, who says something actually halfway intelligent only to subsequent it with "but such is our society" or some other arbitrary clause that has no business being in the present conversation? That seriously pisses me off. I feel like the only purpose of adding that to the end of your thought is to try to sound more intelligent or, alternately, more like a hipster. Frankly I think the former is more popular. What I hate to tell these people is that you are not achieving the desired effect, you are only making yourself sound like a narrow-minded moron.

I hate to follow this by offering up the anecdote which brought this on. Several weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend of mine on twitter. His girlfriend, my best friend, cuts in, says something that sort of made sense and then tacked on "but such is our society" and instead of calling her out on it, which I should have done, I sat on it and fumed. Now here we are, I'm ranting and raving about this and she has no idea that she sounds like a self-deprecating hipster.

So please, ladies and gentlemen, I you feel like making a stab at society please, please make sure that the comment is warranted and tactfully placed in conversation. Please.

I hope everyone's week has gone well and to those who have reading week coming up: enjoy!

P.S. A quick shout out to my friend, Joe, who actually reads this blog. I always appreciate someone listening to my raving, and for some reason it's usually you. You're awesome.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey guys!

My laptop is back and it works!!!! I really had to say something! I'm over the moon right now!!

Also, Supernatural: Witch's Canyon, Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen, and The Language of Gaming came in the mail.

It's party time.

P.S. Archery tonight, wish me luck!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Making Progress

Hey guys,

Since Oct 30th 2011 I've been doing the fan fiction 100 theme challenge except instead of working with a fandom I've been working with Klashiva. As of last week I finished the challenge! I've spent the last few days leafing through my work to organize some episodes for the Klashiva serial. I'm very glad to announce that I've finally started writing the first chapter. I don't have even a working title yet so I can't really share much, but I can say that I have very high hopes for this story. I'm really excited to get something posted for you guys! I am going to attempt to finish writing episode 1 in its entirety before I post it, so it might still be a little while coming.

In other news we sent my computer off last week so I'm hoping that it will come back in working order within the next 2 weeks. So that I can be back to my previous productivity ASAP.

I'm tying to waste a half hour before German starts here. I forgot my notebook at home so I can't write, which I hate, but that's life.

I hope you're all doing well!