Hello again.
It's been all of, what, 30 seconds? Awesome.
As I promised, I'm going to make this a little bit more fun. And by fun, I mean I'm going to do a meme, since I enjoy doing those and the one I have chosen will let you get to know a little bit more about me. I'm a fangirl. And an insatiable one at that. And I'm not sorry. So what I'm going to do is one of those 30 day memes but I'm going to do it all in one go so that the pain is over in one day instead of in a month. Like a band-aid. A really big band-aid.
Here we go.
Day 01 – Your favorite all-time fandom(s)
I love Sherlock Holmes more than I have words to express. It is quite simply perfection.
Day 02 – Your current fandom
I'm not particularly proud of this one, but I've been gripped with the "infection" as it's come to be called and you know what? It's actually a fun place to be, this side of Tumblr. It's squishy and innocent (ish), like kittens and yarn and candy. With a heaping pile of latent homosexuality.
Day 03 – First fandom, the one that made you the fangirl you are today
I don't even know how I got from here to anywhere else. This was a fuzzy and confusing period of my life and I'm not really sure how I managed to gain relative normalcy after this.
But damn if Matt Dillon isn't the finest thing to happen to the 80s.
Day 04 –First, current, or favorite fandom crush
I love John so much. He's perfect. He's obtuse, he's prone to bouts of rage, and, frankly, he's a hedgehog. But I love him. And he loves Sherlock.
Day 05 – Your fandom secret
Directioners know what this means.
Day 06 –Favorite song that brings fangirl tears to your eyes
The Supernatural fandom is going to kill me, I swear to God.
Day 07 – Your OTP(s)
This is the only pairing that needs to exist. Yes, there are many others that are adorable and angsty and awesome, but these two... these two. Their love spans centuries.
Day 08 – A fandom that you thought you wouldn’t get sucked into, but ended up getting sucked into anyway
These 5 homosexuals are ruining my life. I blame Sam for this.
Day 09 – One of your favorite characters
This man is a class A badass. You go Greg Lestrade! And isn't he pretty to boot?
Day 10 – Your favorite scene or moment from one of your favorite fandoms
Sherlock: If you were dying, if you were being murdered, what would your last thought be?
John: Please, God, let me live.
Sherlock: Oh, use your imagination!
John: I don't have to.
Sherlock: *sudden bout of empathy*
Day 11 – The fan art, fan fiction, cover song, cosplay, etc. that you’ve made that you’re most proud of
This is the only thing I have made since my fanfiction excursion back in the early years of my teenagehood. I really like this, actually.
Day 12 – Your favorite fanartist or fanfiction writer
This girl is awesome. Her
Sherlock art is incomperable. Also,
her. But her style is a bit more... flowery, I'll say. Still excellent.
Day 13 – The best cosplayers of your fandom that
you’ve seen; the ones you consider to be real-life versions of your
favorite characters, OTP, etc.
There's another set from the "Gotta Be You" video which is also adorable.
Day 14 – A group of characters from one of your fandoms you’d love to hang out with for a day
Dean's in this scene, too, he's next to Bobby. I'd love to have an adventure with these dudes.
Day 15 –Your favorite collectible/merchandise from your fandom that you most cherish, or one that you wished you owned
It's not merchandise, but I'd love to have an anti-possession tattoo. It's actually really cool.
Day 16 – A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
"Dean, you're confusing reality with porn again." -Sam Winchester, Supernatural
Day 17 – Your favorite piece of art, be it original or a fan art, from your favorite fandom
I really like this one, by ~br0-Harry on deviant art.
Day 18 – An instance where you turned a friend into a fangirl
When Larry Stylinson. I hate these people. They are ruining my life. See, I've successfully avoided bandom in the past because I feel like that's slightly creepier than normal fandom activity but then these flaming homosexuals happened and now all of my hard work has gone down the tubes. Thanks guys.
Day 19 – A theory (be it legitimate or completely crack) that you have always had about one of your fandoms
Mystrade. They have never shared a scene. They apparently exchanged words off camera in "Hounds of Baskerville"(2x2) but that's it. And yet I am convinced that Mycroft is making Lestrade his bitch.
Day 20 – A character from a fandom whose clothes, hair, or features you’ve always admired
Louis Tomlinson. He's pretty much the male version of me. Only prettier. Damn him!
Day 21 – A moment, character, quote –ANYTHING- from one of your fandoms that had a great impact on your life
This scene between Sam and Dean. Dean only has one year left to live so he decides to teach Sam about cars because that's what big brothers are supposed to do. This scene made me realize what a terrible big sister I actually am and that I should be better to my little brother. Who's 9 inches taller than me. Sound familiar, Dean?
Day 22 – How you first got into being a fangirl
Although The Outsiders was my first fandom it wasn't until these two mofos came into my life that I started to legitimately fangirl. I still ship them like there's no tomorrow.
Day 23 – The silliest nerd/fangirl argument you’ve ever gotten into with someone
I've had a few arguments about the legitimacy of this pairing. I feel like this is acceptable, despite the slight illegality of the matter. I'm okay shipping these two regardless.
Day 24 – A town, city or village in a fandom of yours that you’ve always wanted to live in
I want to live in London for lots of reasons. Not just because of Sherlock, not just because of One Direction, and not just because everything cool happens in either London or England. I just want to be here because it seems like an awesome place to be.
Day 25 – Do you celebrate character birthdays? If so, tell us about the best character b-day party that you’ve ever thrown!
... I don't know any characters' birthdays. Except the boys of One Direction, but I haven't been in the fandom long enough to go through one. I wouldn't get weird about it, maybe just send a tweet to them because fuck it, I can!
Day 26 – A fandom of yours that you feel is vastly underappreciated
Downton Abbey should more popular than it is. We have canon gays here and everything! I ship Thomas with everything. Everything. Especially the dead lieutenant. And happiness. He needs more of that. My poor, poor, baby...
Day 27 – Your favorite meme concerning one of your fandoms
"Otters that look like Benedict Cumberbatch" trended on Twitter therefore I shall call it a meme.
Day 28 – Do you have a fandom tattoo? If you don’t
and want to get one (or hypothetically wanted to get one), what would it
be of?
I'd say the tattoo from above. Or else the tattoo from Mirror's Edge:
Only small and on the side of my ribcage.
Day 29 – If you plan on having children, would you name one of them after your favorite characters? If so, explain.
No. That's weird. Even by my standards.
Day 30 –The reason why you’re proud to be the nerdy fangirl that you are!

Because when any of my boys smile, I smile too. With my whole heart. I'm not looking at this from simply a fangirl perspective, but from a writer and creator's perspective as well. This is the kind of happiness that I want, as a writer, to be able to give to others. I want people to ship my characters like there's no tomorrow. I want people to feel with my characters, laugh with them, love with them, and cry with them. I think that the fan base for any show, or any band in the case of the One Direction lads, is the most important part of the whole process. I believe it was actually Zayn Malik from 1D that said: "If there's no body supporting you, there's no point." I believe that if people care enough about your work and about your characters to ship them and make a legitimate fandom out of them then you've hit the top. I can't wait for the day that my characters are being shipped and I can browse their tags on Tumblr. That will be so cool.
That's all I'll give you for today. Like I said, I'm going to try to have some more fun with this blog since I'm over the hundred mark here.
I'll talk to you all later!