Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I swear I'm still here!

Hey guys!

I've abandoned you again, and I'm very sorry. I've been doing very little over the past 2 weeks, so I've really had nothing to write to you about.

I've been plowing my way through the Murdoch Mysteries books by Maureen Jennings. I'm currently on Let Loose the Dogs which is the fourth book. The fourth episode of the television series is based on this book so I already know what happens, but it was one of my favourite episodes so I'm actually excited to get through the book.

I'm still working on that piece that I had the first 2 chapters done the last time I posted. I'll be honest I haven't done anything for it in the last few days but I'm planning on getting back to the 3rd chapter imminently.

That's it for now, lots of love guys!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey guys!

2,730 words later chapter 2 is complete. I've been writing all morning, picking up where I left off at 1,012 words. I have made good progress today and now that the stage has been set the story can begin. I am beyond excited.

I have some other work to do today, so I don't know if I'll start chapter 3 later today or tomorrow, but it will be soon. I'm very excited to keep going with this. I'll keep you posted as I progress.

All the best ladies and gentlemen!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Je ne l'aime pas...

Hey guys,

So, you remember how in my last post I was all excited because I'd written a 2,000 word chapter and I was diving right into the next one already? Well, I've hit exactly the same problem I hit every time I start writing. The second chapter is going nowhere. I have no idea how to go about it! And I'm that writer where I have to write chronologically, I can't skip around within my story. I know exactly where the story will be going from here, but I don't know what to do about this chapter.

This chapter is kind of the interim chapter between the past and the present of the story. It's integral to explaining the state of things in the next chapter. I suppose I'm just going to have to wing it, get something typed up and then come back to it once I've finished the story and rewrite as needed.

I honestly don't think that there's any better way to get through something like this than to pull teeth, so to speak.

Sometimes, I hate my job.

All the best guys,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Well what about that...

Hey guys,

So, I definitely just punched out over 2000 words. I know right? So I'm starting something just for the sake of starting it, it's nothing groundbreaking or anything but it's writing and that's just what I need to do right now.

Basically this was the first chapter for the piece that I'm working on which is essentially just for practice, it's nothing groundbreaking as I said before, and I've started the second chapter already, but that will be tomorrow's project. If I try to pound through more than 1 chapter per day the quality of what I write goes way downhill. So I've accomplished one chapter today with the next to follow.

I'm planning on following some kind of writing process for this piece, i.e. I'm going to finish it, then edit it, then post it as opposed to what I usually do: write a chapter and post it then lose interest halfway through. I have a pretty good idea of where I want this to go.

That's my grand news for the day, I hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm still here...somewhere...

Hey guys,

I've been avoiding the blog for the last little while because, honestly, I haven't had anything to say. I've been trying to get something down on paper for the last I don't know how long, and it's just not happening.

I've been spending my time watching the entirety of the Murdoch Mysteries online, and it's given me some inspiration for a piece that I'm working on planning right now.

She says as her unfinished (and unstarted) pieces lay in the corner looking lonely.

Anyway, I'm just letting you know I'm still here.

I'll post again soon, hopefully.

All the best,